PDF⋙ The Key to Everything: Unlocking the Secret to Why Some People Succeed and Others Don't by Matt Keller
The Key to Everything: Unlocking the Secret to Why Some People Succeed and Others Don't by Matt Keller
The Key to Everything: Unlocking the Secret to Why Some People Succeed and Others Don't by Matt Keller PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
For two decades, pastor and leadership consultant Matt Keller has worked with hundreds of influencers, and he has learned that the greatest enhancer or greatest limiter to a person's success is whether someone is teachable. In The Key to Everything, Keller shows how teachability isn't something that some people are born with and others aren't. It is a characteristic that can be learned and grown. In fact, the only way to succeed in life is to possess teachability in an ever-increasing fashion, and The Key to Everything reveals how to do just that.From reader reviews:
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