PDF⋙ Environmental Policymaking and Stakeholder Collaboration: Theory and Practice (ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy) by Shannon K. Orr

Environmental Policymaking and Stakeholder Collaboration: Theory and Practice (ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy) by Shannon K. Orr

Environmental Policymaking and Stakeholder Collaboration: Theory and Practice (ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy)

Environmental Policymaking and Stakeholder Collaboration: Theory and Practice (ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy) by Shannon K. Orr PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A critical appraisal of why environmental policies fail and succeed, Environmental Policymaking and Stakeholder Collaboration provides policy makers with the keys to navigating complicated environmental issues and stakeholder negotiations. It covers theories in environmental policy making and stakeholder management, compares and contrasts failed and successful process and policy, and includes practical guidelines and tools for the practitioner.

More than just a theoretical examination, the book presents an extensive tool kit of more than 70 practical and applied ideas to guide the implementation of inclusive stakeholder collaboration. These ideas can be used by governments and organizations to improve decision making and ensure that stakeholders and the general public have a say in public policy. The book covers theories of stakeholder collaboration, building an understanding of why stakeholder collaboration is simultaneously critical for effective policy making and why it is so challenging.

While the focus of this book is on environmental policymaking, the theories and tools can be applied to any issue. Government cannot be expected to solve our public problems in isolation: we must ensure that diverse interests are heard and represented in the policymaking process. This book is more than just a theoretical treatise about stakeholder collaboration; it is also a collection of applied and practical tools to ensure that collaboration is put into practice in ways that are effective and meaningful. It helps people with a passion for the environment understand how to get their voices heard and helps governments understand how to listen.

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