PDF⋙ Environmental and Biological Assessment of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Among Casino Dealers by Dr. Chandran Achutan, Chistine West, Charles Mueller, Dr. Yvonne Boudreau, Dr. Kenneth Mead

Environmental and Biological Assessment of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Among Casino Dealers by Dr. Chandran Achutan, Chistine West, Charles Mueller, Dr. Yvonne Boudreau, Dr. Kenneth Mead

Environmental and Biological Assessment of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Among Casino Dealers

Environmental and Biological Assessment of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Among Casino Dealers by Dr. Chandran Achutan, Chistine West, Charles Mueller, Dr. Yvonne Boudreau, Dr. Kenneth Mead PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) investigators evaluated environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure at Bally’s, Paris, and Caesars Palace casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the request of casino employees. They measured exposures and surveyed employees about health symptoms. This report contains NIOSH’s findings and recommendations.

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Environmental and Biological Assessment of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Among Casino Dealers by Dr. Chandran Achutan, Chistine West, Charles Mueller, Dr. Yvonne Boudreau, Dr. Kenneth Mead EPub
