PDF⋙ Outsourcing Virtual Workers Successfully by John Stanley

Outsourcing Virtual Workers Successfully by John Stanley

Outsourcing Virtual Workers Successfully

Outsourcing Virtual Workers Successfully by John Stanley PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

You have a need. It seems like a simple process: you have your need, you describe the need to someone else, that person writes a software package that fills your need, everyone is happy. Unfortunately, it very rarely works that way! You have a need—but you might not know what that need is yet. It's ironic but true—just because you have a need doesn't mean that you accurately understand it. It is common for businesses to think they need one thing when in fact they need something very different. It is also common for a business to know that it has a need—usually a problem that needs to be solved—but to have no idea of how that need can be met.

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