Warm Nuts: for men who travel abroad by William Leute
Warm Nuts: for men who travel abroad by William Leute PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
"You always have regrets on business trips overseas and they usually comeat night when you trace your fingers on the window of the hotel room
looking down on the sooty lights of the eighth city, in the fourth country, on the second continent three weeks from home. It’s not your face you see in reflection but little ones your fingers can’t touch. Regret gnaws at your guts. Bum deals. Lost luggage. Cancelled reservations. Missed flights. Wrong airports. Voyages to Hell.
They’re all here. Tonic and salve for a traveling man’s psyche and for him to know that, at any altitude, he is not alone, and --- that things CAN be worse!
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