PDF⋙ Wing It!: Flavorful Chicken Wings, Sauces, and Sides by Robert Quintana

Wing It!: Flavorful Chicken Wings, Sauces, and Sides by Robert Quintana

Wing It!: Flavorful Chicken Wings, Sauces, and Sides

Wing It!: Flavorful Chicken Wings, Sauces, and Sides by Robert Quintana PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

International flavors for chicken wings, sauces, and sides

Chicken wings, a favorite tailgating fare and popular finger food, have moved beyond the traditional hot sauce coating and blue cheese dressing to a more sophisticated, unique palate that is sure to please your inner “foodie.” With a range of recipes for wings, sauces, marinades, and brines that cover local flavors such as smoke and barbecue to more exotic international spices like curry and garam masala, serious wing lovers will definitely find a new favorite.

Robert Quintana is an executive chef and culinary consultant with more than twenty-five years of experience specializing in Italian and Mediterranean cuisines, artisanal baking, and French pastry. He resides in Los Angeles.

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