Introduction to Nuclear Science by Jeff C. Bryan
Introduction to Nuclear Science by Jeff C. Bryan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
There are many excellent nuclear chemistry textbooks available for teaching science or engineering seniors or graduate students, but very few for those lacking a more extensive science and math background. And many of them are slipping out of date. Clearly, a more appropriate text is necessary. Introduction to Nuclear Science provides a much-needed textbook for those seeking a more accessible introduction to the topic.Simple in its concept but elegant in its execution, the book provides a complete introduction to nuclear chemistry and physics, including fundamental concepts, relevant mathematics, current applications, and health issues. The author covers energetics, radioactive decay, nuclear reactions, interactions of radiation with matter, detection methods, and safety measures, including monitoring and regulations. The text also includes material relevant to medical professionals generating and using ionizing radiation for diagnostics and therapy. It provides a balanced view of important contemporary topics such as nuclear power, weapons, and food/mail irradiation.
The text is classroom tested and the author assumes his audience has a limited science and math background that includes some knowledge of algebra and general chemistry. The book not only helps educators teaching nuclear science to undergraduates without a calculus prerequisite, but fills the coming need to educate a new generation of workers in the nuclear industry. The text is also useful to scientists making a career move to the growing nuclear industry.
This volume works well in conjunction with other CRC lab manuals. Check out Experiments in Nuclear Science.
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