PDF⋙ Doctrine and Experience: Caught in the Crossfire of Evangelical Spiritualities by Christopher C. Zito
Doctrine and Experience: Caught in the Crossfire of Evangelical Spiritualities by Christopher C. Zito
Doctrine and Experience: Caught in the Crossfire of Evangelical Spiritualities by Christopher C. Zito PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Should evangelical spirituality be grounded in doctrine, experience, neither, or both? If in one, which, and why not the other? If in both, how might the two co-exist without cancelling out each other's distinctives? If in neither, then what practical value does either have for the Christian life? In this book, the author has combined critical research, pastoral awareness, and thoughtful reflection to show how the radicalizations of doctrine and experience have not only polarized contemporary evangelicalism into two nearly irreconcilable camps, but also has opened the door for a subtle but potent form of idolatry to creep into our midst. In an attempt to purge these idols and bridge the gap, this book contextualizes the biblical teachings and practices of our original spiritual instructors, asking the double-edged question of what it means for us today that the Word of God is normative and that the Spirit is Lord. The author concludes that evangelicals should seek an incarnate, cross-centered spirituality that is informed by meticulous attention and obedience to sound doctrine, but only as it is lived out in a deeply felt faith that is made perfect as we experience God daily in any number of ways.From reader reviews:
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