PDF⋙ Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis, 3e by Steven McGee

Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis, 3e by Steven McGee

Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis, 3e

Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis, 3e by Steven McGee PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis helps you choose the diagnostic approaches that have been proven most effective! Dr. Steven McGee puts the most current evidence at your fingertips, equipping you to easily select the best test for diagnosing a given condition and understand the diagnostic significance and accuracy of your findings. A remarkably easy-to-reference organization makes it simple to find the answers you need; and full-text online access at www.expertconsult.com lets you quickly reference the book from any computer or mobile device.

  • Quickly review the history, pathogenesis, examination technique, and interpretation of physical findings for all areas of the body thanks to a very reader-friendly outline format, including more than 90 "EBM boxes" and accompanying "EBM ruler" illustrations.
  • Get expert advice from Dr. Steven McGee, an internationally respected authority in physical examination and assessment, pain management, and education in general internal medicine.
  • See exactly which studies document the significance of various findings thanks to thousands of up-to-date references.
  • Access the complete contents online at www.expertconsult.com, plus a downloadable image collection and an evidence-based calculator that helps you determine probability ratios based on the evidence criteria.
  • Apply the latest knowledge on hot topics such as the value of physical examination in taking care of the ICU patient, accurately diagnosing the etiology of systolic murmurs, diagnosing osteoarthritis and acute vertigo in the dizzy patient, diagnosing hemorrhagic stroke, and diagnosing pleural effusions.
  • Implement the most current evidence-based approaches for evaluating stance and gait, Schamroth’s sign (for clubbing), dementia, prediction of falls, hepatopulmonary syndrome, atrial fibrillation, relative bradycardia, tourniquet test (for dengue infections), acute stroke, and pleural effusion.
  • Assess the pretest probability of disease, given particular signs or symptoms, with new at-a-glance tables.
  • Make effective decisions thanks to updated content throughout, including new EBM boxes covering over 250 recent studies on physical diagnosis-ensuring that all diagnostic information (i.e., sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios) is up to date.

Increase diagnostic confidence with McGee!

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