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Curating Differently by Jessica Sjöholm Skrubbe

Curating Differently

Curating Differently by Jessica Sjöholm Skrubbe PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Exhibitionary spaces and curatorial strategies ideologically frame the encounter between art and its publics. For more than forty years, feminist art curating, as a practice of art interpretation and a politics of display, has intersected with the diverse area of feminist art historical research and feminist artistic practices. It is only recently, however, that a theorization of feminist art curating and feminist exhibition histories as a specific field of knowledge has emerged. Curating Differently is a collection of essays that offers critical perspectives on, and analyses of, the intersections of feminisms, art exhibitions, and curatorial spaces from the 1970s onward. It brings together case studies from Australia, Israel, Europe, and North America that critically account for diverse strategies and interventions in curatorial space. The essays contribute with historical perspectives on feminist exhibition practices and curatorial models and first-hand accounts of feminist interventions within the art museum, as well as timely analyses of current intersections of feminisms within curating in the contemporary global art world. As a major contribution to the ongoing scholarly debate on the institutionalization of feminisms in art and its relative success, or failure, Curating Differently will provide new insights and provoke further discussion on the history and theory of feminist art exhibitions and curatorial spaces.

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